



Why We Fight - なぜ、我々が戦うか

(Colors of the Rainbow : Dan Kanemitsu's Log 虹の色:兼光ダニエル真ログ帳 http://www.translativearts.com/log20080812special_ej.html から転載。)
The reasons why people would oppose current Japanese legislative efforts to expand the child pornography law will vary from individual to individual. My rationale is fairly straightforward.
I oppose the criminalization of possession of child pornography in Japan primarily because the current legal definition is extremely vague and ripe for abuse.
Current Japanese law defines child pornography as:
i. Any pose of a child engaged in sexual intercourse or any conduct similar to sexual intercourse;
ii. Any pose of a child having his or her genital organs touched by another person or of a child touching another person's genital organs, which arouses or stimulates the viewer's sexual desire;
iii. Any pose of a child wholly or partially naked, which arouses or stimulates the viewer's sexual desire.[1]
一 児童を相手方とする又は児童による性交又は性交類似行為に係る児童の姿態
二 他人が児童の性器等を触る行為又は児童が他人の性器等を触る行為に係る児童の姿態であって性欲を興奮させ又は刺激するもの
三 衣服の全部又は一部を着けない児童の姿態であって性欲を興奮させ又は刺激するもの[1]
I have few reservations over the first two subsections, but the third subsection is astonishingly subjective. By this definition, any photograph or film of anyone under the age of 18 who is naked or partially naked can be considered criminal regardless of the context of the subject matter. Pages from the National Geographic could be considered child pornography if someone finds the material to be "arousing or stimulating." Family albums containing images of children bathing or undressing could be considered child pornography if it is in the hands of pedophile.
Note that child is defined as "a person under eighteen years of age" under Japanese law. The current law already bans the sale, production, and distribution of such material, and the courts have struggled to define what material should be included under this definition even 9 years after the law was first enacted.
One simple solution is to drop the third subsection. Yet certain legislators have insisted that the third subsection be retained to allow the police maximum leeway in pursuing material they find to be objectionable. They claim the police will only use this power judiciously. I do not share their faith in the Japanese police force.
While current efforts to expand the definition of child pornography to include fictional material-- i.e. manga (comic books,) anime (animation,) and video games--have been placed on hold, the ruling party's current bill contains a provision to "study the effects of fictional material" and to re-open the debate over banning fictional material when the law is reviewed for another revision in three years time after the current revision is passed. It is abundantly clear many legislators and moralists have their aim on banning fictional material as well. A petition campaign by a Japanese charted entity of UNICEF, the Japan Committee for UNICEF, has been pushing hard to make fictional graphic depictions of anyone below the age of 18 engaged in sexual acts to be banned.[2] Numerous legislators have stated that the current bill will be a step toward banning fictional material as well.
I oppose the expansion of the definition of child pornography to include fictional material for the following reasons.
現時点で審議が行なわれている法案の中に於いて児童ポルノの範疇にアニメ・マンガ・ゲームと言った創作物を含むのは見送られていますが、与党の法案の中で「創作物の影響を調査」して法律が施行された3年後の改訂の際に再び創作物の規制について審議すると附則が盛り込まれています。多くの議員や倫理意識が非常に強い方々が創作物の違法化を狙っているのが火を見るより明らかです。ユニセフと提携して活動している日本の民間団体、現在日本ユニセフ協会は署名キャンペーンを通して想像上の18歳未満の性行為の描写も違法化しようと働きかけ続けています。 [2]今回の与党法案は将来創作物を違法化する為の第一歩であると公言する議員も存在します。
1. It is misguided.
Law enforcement resources would be better allocated going after real cases of child abuse instead of going after fictional cases. The Japanese budget is stretched as it already stands. Money should be directed toward better financing of child welfare offices and school counselors.
The banning of fictional depictions of child abuse would likely be as meaningless as the banning of fictional depictions of car chasing with the aim toward reducing motor vehicle accidents in real life.
There are better ways of combating abuse of children than meddling with a fictional domain.
2. Its rationale for banning an entire subject matter is flawed.
Child pornography involving real minors is likely to be a byproduct of actual child abuse. Content in itself is not the issue--Child pornography has been outlawed because the methods involved in production involve real children in possibly abusive circumstances. How the material was produced is what makes it criminal, not what impression it conveys on the audience. Movies where members of the cast or the crew are kidnapped to produce the film should be banned regardless of the content of the film. Snuff films are illegal because killing an individual for the sake of filming the act is illegal and reprehensible. If content alone was the issue, war footage and horror films should be banned as well.
One aim of banning child pornography is preventing the participation of children in the sex industry. In part, the foundation of child pornography is based on an extension of child labor law, not the purging of a link between sexuality and minors from human thought. If such a purge was to be accepted, it would easily lead to branding anyone that conducted any type of sexual act as a minor as being a deviant and subject to treatment.
Child pornography involving real children being sexually abused is horrid beyond words. For that very reason, I find it reprehensible to mix together such acts of human misery and suffering with illusionary fantasy that exists only in the author's imagination. Widening the definition of child pornography to include fictional material belittles the gravity of real sex abuse.
2. 特定の題材を違法化する理由があまりにも筋が通っていません。
3. Its logic of encouraging criminal behavior is absurd.
Many who advocate the banning of fictional erotica featuring minors claim that the presence of such material wets the appetites for criminal behavior and makes actual sexual abuse of child acceptable. At heart of this argument is the assumption that people cannot control their urges when it comes to sexual material and that the presence of even fictional child abuse encourages real child abuse. Many cite the confessions by convicted criminals as proof of this logic.
By this logic, the Bible should be banned for inciting the destruction of entire civilizations and encouraging the genocidal efforts conducted in its name over the course of human history. Many convicted criminals also cite the Bible as their inspiration of conducting astonishingly savage acts, and yet few would attribute the Bible as the root cause of such criminal behavior. Why?--Because free societies accept the principle that people are responsible for their own actions.
Some might argue that suggestive sexual material should be banned because, while most people are responsible and can differentiate between fantasy and reality, pedophiles and other mentally unstable people cannot. This school of thought advocates banning certain material based on how contact with provocative material might incite easily susceptible individuals toward criminal behavior. This is the equivalent of banning alcohol entirely from society because some have a drinking problem. Again, this logic is unbelievably reckless as well.
Furthermore, crime statistics published by the Japanese police themselves show no causality between the proliferation of erotic material and sex crimes. The crime rate has dramatically decreased since WW2 while the availability of erotica and violent fictional entertainment has risen by leaps and bounds during the same period.
3. 違法行為を奨励すると言う論理が破綻しています。
4. The ban will more than likely be unenforceable and be effective only marginally.
Unlike in real life, characters in fictional material do not have birth certificates. It is easily imaginable that an endless cycle of accusations and denials will unfold regarding establishing the "true age" of fictional characters. Authors and publishers will more than likely attempt to proclaim that the characters look young, but they are actually above the age of 18. Physical attributes vary between widely depending on race and ethnicity, not to mention fictional non-human characters. Should all humanoid entities, such as elves and vampires, be subject to the same set of standards? What of graphical depictions of angels and gods? Shall Greek mythology, filled with narratives of sexual encounters between old and young, gods and humans involved in circumstances that would clearly be deemed illegal in real life be treated as illegal as well?
Publishers and authors are extremely proficient in adapting toward new regulations. If graphical depictions are banned, then abstract or comedic depictions will increase. If visual imagery is banned, then novels and audio CD dramas will proliferate. If certain key concepts--such as articles of clothing or immature speech patterns--are marked as symbols susceptible of prohibition, these will be replaced by a new set of symbols.
Either an ever increasing set of symbols will be deemed to be inappropriate to be linked to a core human attribute--human sexuality--or the futility of the ban will lead the law to become impotent over all. It will join a set of legal tools rarely invoked by the police, yet commonly sited as justification for self censorship, not to mention creating an environment ripe for corruptive collusion between the police and industry groups to come into being.
4. 法の執行は困難を極め、その効果は非常に限定的と予見できるからです。
5. Such a ban will stifle creativity and impoverish the cultural landscape.
As I have already mentioned, the ban on fictional depictions involving minors threaten the existence of numerous works of folklore, mythology, art, and literature. Huge swaths of shelves of libraries would be made bare if the ban was rigidly enforced. And then there is the question of untold millions and millions of books that are in private ownership. Should individuals be penalized for possessing books that they legally bought only a few years ago?
The inclusion of a grandfather clause could provide consolation toward collectors, but the impact toward the contemporary society would no doubt be pronounced. Banning the fictional depictions of minors involved in sexual situations will make a fundamental core human attribute taboo. It will deprive authors and artists in their effort to address deep social issues if they wish to take up the subject earnestly since the ban will penalize those that take up the issue of age and abuse more severely than those that flirt around with the subject matter.
Even if the ban is not rigidly enforced, publishers with reputable standing will likely enforce more stringent self censorship policies since they have more to lose compared small time publishers. Even today, numerous adult manga publications have self censorship standards that are mind-boggling. One author confided how editors at one point insisted on the removal of all children from his fictional erotic manga story focused on adult characters, even though no minor were involved any sexual situations. Even the existence of children walking in the background in the city was deemed to be risky.
Many have argued that this ban is aimed only toward "offensive, vile, and exploitive material." Wholesome publications and works of art shall be exempt, they argue. Such a faith is foolish at best and self-delusionary at worst. Who shall judge for the entire population what is offensive or not? Few works of art come into being with the intent of disrupting human society. The value attributed to works of literature and art change over time. The works of modern art and literature from the last two centuries are filled with examples where they were deemed to be vile, corruptive trash by contemporary authorities, but now these same works enjoy high status as priceless cultural treasures.
If some find the material to be offensive, they have a simple choice of avoiding such material. If they think too many people are paying attention to such material, they are free to criticize such trends. Ideally, such frustrations should be directed toward creating new material that competes and possibly outshines what they deem to be offensive. A culture grows richer through addition, not by subtraction.
5. 違法化は創作の萎縮を招き、文化全体を貧しくさせ兼ねないからです。
6. It will create a dangerous legal precedence and it is far too extreme.
A prohibition on certain fictional material dependent on subjective standards rationalized by unproven criminal responsibility that will negatively impact the cultural landscape pursued for securing imagined gains of safety should make people sit up and take notice, and yet all these concerns pale in light of how the proposed ban would penalize individuals essentially for having a rich imagination.
A ban on fictional depictions of minor engaged in sexual situations has the very real potential to brand individuals as sex offenders even though they have had no sexual contact with real people. I believe there could be no legal justification for destroying people's lives simple because they drew doodles on paper, but the proposed ban would create such a legal precedence.
If allowing individuals to engage in fictional depictions of underage sex is deemed to be too dangerous for society because of its supposed anti-social nature, what other depictions of anti-social acts should we ban next? Shoplifting? Bullying in school? Rape? Discrimination based on class? War crimes?
In a nutshell, such a ban would be Orwellian.
6. 非常に危うい法律的慣例を作りことになり、あまりにも極端だからです。
A ban on manga, anime, and video games simply because it features underage characters is a misguided Orwellian policy that will likely produce only marginal results in exchange for a huge toll on a free society. I am absolutely certain that history will not look back kindly upon such a ban, and it will join a long list of colossal failures of regulatory policy, such as the prohibition of alcohol in the US between 1920 to 1933, various sodomy laws, the comic book code, and bans on socialist literature in Japan during the prewar era.
It is important to note that all these failed moral crusades were led by virtuous and diligent individuals intent on making the world a better place. At first, many members of society were receptive to these well intended efforts, brushing aside those that raised objections as being alarmists or extremists. Over time, the regulatory mechanism will form a life of its own. Regulatory policies encourages the custodians of that policy to expand the limits of the regulation because their authority is dependent on the extent of regulation. Sometimes the regulatory regime will morph into a beast it was never intended to become, and at that stage it will become extremely hard to reverse such failed policies. Failed regulatory schemes have a tendency to create burdensome legacies that will tax upon society for decades to come.
We need not tread upon that path once more.
1 - http://www.cas.go.jp/jp/seisaku/hourei/data/APARCP_2.pdf 2 - http://www.unicef.or.jp/special/0705/pdf/kodomo_p_paper.pdf
1 - http://www.cas.go.jp/jp/seisaku/hourei/data/APARCP_2.pdf 2 - http://www.unicef.or.jp/special/0705/pdf/kodomo_p_paper.pdf
If you agree with any parts of my opinion, I strongly urge you to participate in the petition going on at the following.

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 ・東3ホール  ・東4ホール  ・西2ホール
 以上の3箇所への設置となります。 混乱を招いてしまい申し訳ありません。 どうぞご協力くださいますようよろしくお願いします。




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1 「崎山伸夫のBlog」から。

日本における政治的フィルタリングの例  2008/08/06

フィルタリングって文化戦争の一環なんだよね  2008/08/08

868 :朝まで名無しさん:2008/08/06(水) 04:32:50


上記とは別に、「反ヲタク国会議員リスト」メモによれば、本サイトである「反ヲタク国会議員リスト」が、「違法と思われる行為」と分類されているそうだ (ただ、こちらは、ディレクトリをひとつ上に上がったトップから同じ評価をされていて、18禁明記がそこにあることなどから、当該リストではなく全体として評価されている可能性が高い)。
やや微妙な「反ヲタク国会議員リスト」の例はともかく、2ちゃんねるで紹介されていた事例などからすると、フィルタリングはアメリカでの場合と同様に、文化戦争の道具としての色合いがついてきているのではないだろうか。アメリカの場合、妊娠中絶問題(おもにPro Choiceをターゲットとしたフィルタリング)や同性愛問題(同性愛肯定をターゲットとしたフィルタリング。ソドミー違憲以降はカテゴリー見直し時に削除するベンダーが少なくないなどの変化もみられる)といったあたりの文化戦争的フィルタリングで揉めたりしたのだが、日本では「オタク文化」に対する文化戦争の道具に利用されているのだろうか(もっとデータがたくさんないとはっきりしたことはいえないにせよ)。

2 「ネットスター」に「有害サイトデータの情報提供」をしている人物

363 名前:024-589 ◆Yp/NehmCeI 投稿日:2008/08/14(木) 03:45:23




財団法人インターネット協会  ECPAT/ストップ子ども買春の会  アジアの女性と子どもネットワーク  日本メディアリテラシー教育推進機構 ポルノ・買春問題研究会  NPO法人CAPかながわ  財団法人日本ユニセフ協会

といった具合で、どこかでみたことのある、実に判り易いラインナップです(苦笑。 では、このサイトの主は何者なのか、となると、

名前 宮崎 豊久(みやざき とよひさ)
横浜, 東京, San Jose, 金沢, Oxford, Boston, L.A, London, 金沢, と移り住み、現在は横浜市在住。〔略〕
主研究は、サイバースペースと現実社会との境界線について。コンピュータと人格形成の関連について。また、社会心理、恋愛心理、コミュニケーション論、 アダルトチルドレンパニック障害、カルトにはまってしまう人々などが興味の対象
1998年〜現在  インターネット博物館 代表
2001年〜2004年 株式会社サーフモンキー・アジア  フィルタリングソフトの開発、有害サイトの収集業務に従事
2004年〜2007年 ヤフー株式会社  フィルタリングソフト「あんしんねっと」の開発、有害サイトの収集業務に従事
2007〜現在  財団法人インターネット協会  インターネット・ホットラインセンター シニア・アナリスト
2007〜現在(兼任業務) 横浜市青少年育成課横浜市思春期問題連絡会 委員


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前田雅英 首都大学東京 都市教養学部長(委員長)
荒木浩一 (株)NTTドコモ モバイル社会研究所 副所長
石田秀人 (社)日本クレジット産業協会計画調整部 部長
稲垣隆一 弁護士
猪俣清人 デジタルアーツ(株)経営企画部 部長
江口研一 KDDI(株)渉外・広報本部渉外部 担当部長 ((社)電気通信事業者協会消費者支援委員会 副委員長)
小田啓二 特定非営利活動法人日本ガーディアン・エンジェルス理事長
加藤秀次 (社)日本PTA全国協議会 専務理事
楠正憲 マイクロソフト(株)技術統括室 最高技術責任者補佐
久保田裕 (社)コンピュータソフトウェア著作権協会ACCS)専務理事・事務局長
桑子博行 (社)テレコムサービス協会 サービス倫理委員会 委員長(AT&Tジャパン(株) 通信渉外部長)
国分明男 (財)インターネット協会 副理事長
後藤啓二 弁護士
金野志保 明治大学法科大学院 特任教授 弁護士
杉浦昌 大阪大学社会人教育講座 外部講師(独立行政法人情報処理推進機構 主任研究員)
高橋大洋 ネットスター(株)営業マーケティング本部広報部 部長(広報・渉外担当)
谷川哲司 日本電気(株)経営システム本部セキュリティ技術センター シニアマネージャー
寺澤慎祐 サン・マイクロシステムズ(株)政策推進営業本部 インダストリー営業開発部 統括部長
西村達之 セコムトラストシステムズ(株) 代表取締役副社長
藤田一夫 グーグル(株)パブリックポリシーガバメントアフェアーズポリシーカウンセル
別所直哉 ヤフー(株) 最高コンプライアンス責任者(CCO)兼法務本部長
丸橋透 ニフティ(株)コーポレート本部副本部長兼法務部長
宮本潤子 ECPAT/ストップ子ども買春の会共同代表
安田浩 東京電機大学 教授
吉川誠司 WEB110 代表
(オブザーバ) 内閣官房 総務省 法務省 外務省 文部科学省 経済産業省



警察庁「総合セキュリティ対策会議」、児童ポルノを検討課題に 8月12日22時30分配信 Impress Watch


これへの評価→ http://samayouengei.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/872/ ←この評価に全面的に同意するが、「情報戦」においては「しつこいほうが勝つ」法則というのがあるので、

前田 雅英  首都大学東京 都市教養学部長(委員長)
後藤 啓二 弁護士 ← 元警察官僚
高橋 大洋 ネットスター(株)営業マーケティング本部広報部 部長(広報・渉外担当)
別所 直哉 ヤフー(株) 最高コンプライアンス責任者(CCO)兼法務本部長
宮本 潤子 ECPAT/ストップ子ども買春の会共同代表  

彼らがどうダメでありどう「偏っている」(どう事実を捻じ曲げているの)かを、我々は「敵」の粘着性以上にしつっこく、あらゆるところで言い続け、オタク全人口のうち1割程度が彼らの名前と行為を暗記する程度にまで繰り返し言及し続ける必要がある。「情報戦」とは牛のごとき粘り強さこそが求められる。これは「情報戦」である。http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kamayan/20060407#1144387755 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kamayan/20060903#1157224170同志諸姉諸兄にも助力いただけると大変に助かる。「敵」の名前と顔と修正を全オタクの1割程度に覚えさせなければ、オタクは「敵」にとって美味しい餌となるだけである。だが我々は餌ではないし、奴らほど痴呆でもない。

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